Varsha Sundararaman | Product Manager

I design,develop,and deliverdigital products that connect with the human experience.

Giving users what they need,
quickly and conveniently.
TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read)

6+ Years

At powerhouse companies like Goldman, Amazon, and Publicis.

4+ Industries

Played in FinTech, E-Commerce, Artificial Intelligence, and Healthcare playgrounds.

2 Degrees

MBA @ Wharton + BA @ GWU.
Knowledge is power!

Elevating businesses
through innovation.

I thrive at companies where I can leverage my technical acumen to create impactful digital solutions. Since 2016, I have worked on building high-visibility products from 0-to-1, providing tangible business results and optimized user experiences.
View Resume
Varsha GIF
My skills in action! 🎬
Using well-practiced skills to drive growth.

I enjoy developing comprehensive product strategies, technical architectures, and scalable solutions, leveraging tools like SQL, MongoDB, and Figma. I lead cross-functional teams, conduct market research, and drive adoption for initiatives by measuring results.

Now, let's get to the
good stuff.

From concept to execution, I thrive on turning complex challenges into simple, elegant solutions. My portfolio includes solutions, research, and products that I am really proud of.
Market Research in FinTech

Portfolio Highlight:
Market Research in FinTech

A case for investing in financial inclusion