Varsha Sundararaman | Product Manager
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Market Research in FinTech

My deep-dive into the world of financial inclusion

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Executive Summary

My deep dive into financial inclusion aimed to make a compelling case for investing in this sector.
This case study outlines the research I conducted on companies, like Chime and Codat, alongside insights from the African fintech landscape. My approach involved leveraging tools like PitchBook, conducting company interviews, and visiting various countries to gain firsthand insights.

The Challenge The Process The Findings The Deliverables

The Challenge

The primary challenge was understanding the diverse landscape of financial inclusion across different regions and identifying key players making significant strides. The fintech space is vast, with numerous startups targeting various aspects of financial services. My goal was to identify companies that were not only innovative but also had a tangible impact on underserved populations.

The Process

To tackle this challenge, I focused on:

  • Market Research: Utilizing PitchBook and other financial databases to gather comprehensive data on fintech companies.
  • Company Interviews: Conducting interviews with founders and key personnel to gain deeper insights into their operations and challenges.
  • Field Visits: Traveling to key markets such as Ghana, Senegal, and other parts of Africa to observe the fintech landscape firsthand and understand the on-ground realities.

Compiling and Presenting Data:
I wanted to be able to share and present the data I found in a digestible manner for my stakeholders, which included investors, founders, and executives alike.
After presenting to founders, I received feedback that it lacked context of the company in the greater market. Moving forward, my memos included information about the larger industry, and where this company played a role in the market.

Key Image
Early Investment Memo

The Findings

The research highlights the critical role of fintech innovations in promoting financial inclusion across different markets. My comprehensive approach—leveraging data tools, conducting interviews, and engaging in field visits—provided a holistic understanding of the market. Investing in innovative solutions like those offered by Codat, Chime, and African fintech startups not only provides essential financial services to underserved populations but also stimulates global economic growth and development.

Skills & Tools

Skills Demonstrated

Industry Knowledge
Market Research
Competitive Analysis
User Interviews
Data Presentation

Tools Used


Deliverables Created

Investment Memos
Market Research

View Deliverables

The Deliverables

To date, I have been able to analyze the data I've found and compile this research. I will continue to do so, to highlight the importance of investing in financial inclusion.
The deliverables on the right show my research on financial inclusion in Africa, and one-pagers on Codat and Chime. They demonstrate my ability to research and organize data, to show a holistic view on a subject or company. These are only three of the memos I have done - this research is ongoing.

African FinTech Solutions
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African FinTech Solutions
Codat Research
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Codat Research
Chime Research
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Chime Research